本文最后更新于:2025年1月14日 凌晨
第 0 章 面向对象基础
1. 类与实例
2. 构造方法
构造方法,又叫构造函数,其实就是对类进行初始化。构造方法与类同名,无返回值,也不需要void,在 new 的使用调用。
3. 方法重载
4. 属性与修饰符
5. 封装
- 良好的封装能够减少耦合。
- 类内部的实现可以自由地修改。
- 类具有清晰的对外接口。
6. 继承
- 子类拥有父类非 private 的属性和功能
- 子类具有自己的属性和功能,即子类可以扩展父类没有的属性和功能
- 子类还可以以自己的方式实现父类的功能(方法重写)
第 1 章 简单工厂模式
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| import java.util.*;
public class SimpleFactory { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("请输入数字A: "); double numberA = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println("请选择运算符号(+、-、*、/): "); String strOperate = sc.nextLine(); System.out.println("请输入数字B: "); double numberB = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine());
Operation operate = OperationFactory.createOperate(strOperate); double result = operate.getResult(numberA, numberB);
System.out.println("结果是: " + result); } }
class OperationFactory { public static Operation createOperate(String operate) { Operation oper = null; switch (operate) { case "+": oper = new Add(); break; case "-": oper = new Sub(); break; case "*": oper = new Mul(); break; case "/": oper = new Div(); break; } return oper; } }
abstract class Operation { public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return 0d; } }
class Add extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return numberA + numberB; } }
class Sub extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return numberA + numberB; } }
class Mul extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return numberA * numberB; } }
class Div extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { if (numberB == 0) { System.out.println("除数不能为0"); throw new ArithmeticException(); } return numberA / numberB; } }
第 2 章 策略模式
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| import java.util.*;
public class StrategyPattern { public static void main(String[] args) {
double price = 0d; int num = 0; double totalPrices = 0d; double total = 0d;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); do { System.out.println("请输入商品销售模式 1.原价 2.八折 3.满300返100"); int discount = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println("请输入商品单价:"); price = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println("请输入商品数量:"); num = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println();
if (price > 0 && num > 0){ CashContext cc = new CashContext(discount); totalPrices = cc.getResult(price, num); total = total + totalPrices;
System.out.println(); System.out.println("单价:" + price +"元,数量:" + num + " 合计:" + totalPrices + "元"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("总计:" + total + "元"); System.out.println(); }
}while (price > 0 && num > 0);
} }
abstract class CashSuper{
public abstract double acceptCash(double price,int num); }
class CashNormal extends CashSuper{
@Override public double acceptCash(double price, int num) { return price * num; } }
class CashRebate extends CashSuper{
private double moneyRebate = 1d;
public CashRebate(double moneyRebate){ this.moneyRebate = moneyRebate; }
@Override public double acceptCash(double price, int num) { return price * num * this.moneyRebate; } }
class CashReturn extends CashSuper{
private double moneyCondition = 0d; private double moneyReturn = 0d;
public CashReturn(double moneyCondition, double moneyReturn) { this.moneyCondition = moneyCondition; this.moneyReturn = moneyReturn; }
@Override public double acceptCash(double price, int num) { double result = price * num; if (moneyCondition > 0 && price >= moneyCondition){ result = result - Math.floor(result / moneyCondition) * moneyReturn; } return result; } }
class CashContext{ private CashSuper cs;
public CashContext(int cashType){ switch (cashType){ case 1: this.cs = new CashNormal(); break; case 2: this.cs = new CashRebate(0.8d); break; case 3: this.cs = new CashReturn(300d,100d); break; } }
public double getResult(double price, int num) { return this.cs.acceptCash(price, num); } }
第 3 章 单一职责原则
- 如果一个类承担的职责过多,就等于把这些职责耦合在一起,一个职责的变化可能会削弱或者抑制这个类完成其他职责的能力。这种耦合会导致脆弱的设计,当变化发生时,设计会遭受到意想不到的破坏。
- 软件设计真正要做的许多内容,就是发现职责并把那么些职责相互分离。
- 如果你能够想到多于一个的动机去改变一个类,那么这个类就是具有多于一个的职责。
第 4 章 开放-封闭原则
- 对于扩展是开放的(Open for extension)
- 对于修改是封闭的(Closed for modification)
第 5 章 依赖倒转原则
- 高层模块不应该依赖低层模块。两个都应该依赖抽象。
- 抽象不应该依赖细节。细节应该依赖抽象。
第 6 章 装饰模式
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public class DecoratorPattern {
public static void main(String[] args) { ConcreteComponent c = new ConcreteComponent(); ConcreteDecoratorA d1 = new ConcreteDecoratorA(); ConcreteDecoratorB d2 = new ConcreteDecoratorB();
d1.SetComponent(c); d2.SetComponent(d1); d2.Operation(); } }
abstract class Component{ public abstract void Operation(); }
class ConcreteComponent extends Component{ public void Operation(){ System.out.println("具体对象的实际操作"); } }
abstract class Decorator extends Component{ protected Component component;
public void SetComponent(Component component){ this.component = component; }
@Override public void Operation() { if (component != null){ component.Operation();; } } }
class ConcreteDecoratorA extends Decorator{
protected String addedState;
public void Operation(){ super.Operation();
this.addedState = "具有装饰对象A的独有操作"; System.out.println(this.addedState);
} }
class ConcreteDecoratorB extends Decorator{
public void Operation(){ super.Operation(); this.AddedBehavior(); }
private void AddedBehavior(){ System.out.println("具有装饰对象B的独有操作"); } }
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| package cn.jishuin;
import java.util.*;
public class Promotion { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("**********************************************"); System.out.println("《大话设计模式》代码样例"); System.out.println();
int discount = 0; double price = 0d; int num = 0; double totalPrices = 0d; double total = 0d;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
do { System.out.println("商品折扣模式如下:"); System.out.println("1.正常收费"); System.out.println("2.打八折"); System.out.println("3.打七折"); System.out.println("4.满300送100"); System.out.println("5.先打8折,再满300送100"); System.out.println("6.先满200送50,再打7折"); System.out.println("请输入商品折扣模式:"); discount = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println("请输入商品单价:"); price = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println("请输入商品数量:"); num = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println();
if (price>0 && num>0){
CashContext cc = new CashContext(discount);
totalPrices = cc.getResult(price,num);
total = total + totalPrices;
System.out.println(); System.out.println("单价:"+ price + "元 数量:"+ num +" 合计:"+ totalPrices +"元"); System.out.println(); System.out.println("总计:"+ total+"元"); System.out.println(); } } while(price>0 && num>0);
System.out.println(); System.out.println("**********************************************"); } }
interface ISale { double acceptCash(double price,int num); }
class CashSuper implements ISale {
protected ISale component;
public void decorate(ISale component) { this.component=component; }
public double acceptCash(double price,int num){
double result = 0d; if (this.component != null){ result = this.component.acceptCash(price,num); } return result;
class CashNormal implements ISale { public double acceptCash(double price,int num){ return price * num; } }
class CashRebate extends CashSuper {
private double moneyRebate = 1d; public CashRebate(double moneyRebate){ this.moneyRebate = moneyRebate; }
public double acceptCash(double price,int num){ double result = price * num * this.moneyRebate; return super.acceptCash(result,1); }
class CashReturn extends CashSuper {
private double moneyCondition = 0d; private double moneyReturn = 0d;
public CashReturn(double moneyCondition,double moneyReturn){ this.moneyCondition = moneyCondition; this.moneyReturn = moneyReturn; }
public double acceptCash(double price,int num){ double result = price * num; if (moneyCondition>0 && result >= moneyCondition) result = result - Math.floor(result / moneyCondition) * moneyReturn; return super.acceptCash(result,1); }
class CashContext { private ISale cs;
public CashContext(int cashType) { switch (cashType) { case 1: this.cs = new CashNormal(); break; case 2: CashRebate cr1 = new CashRebate(0.7d); cr1.decorate(new CashNormal()); this.cs = cr1; break; case 3: CashRebate cr2 = new CashRebate(0.8d); cr2.decorate(new CashNormal()); this.cs = cr2; break; case 4: CashReturn cr3 = new CashReturn(300d, 100d); cr3.decorate(new CashNormal()); this.cs = cr3; break; case 5: CashNormal cn = new CashNormal(); CashReturn cr4 = new CashReturn(300d, 100d); CashRebate cr5 = new CashRebate(0.8d); cr4.decorate(cn); cr5.decorate(cr4); this.cs = cr5; break; case 6: CashNormal cn2 = new CashNormal(); CashRebate cr6 = new CashRebate(0.7d); CashReturn cr7 = new CashReturn(200d, 50d); cr6.decorate(cn2); cr7.decorate(cr6); this.cs = cr7; break; } } public double getResult(double price,int num){ return this.cs.acceptCash(price,num); } }
第 7 章 代理模式
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public class ProxyPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { SchoolGirl girlLjj = new SchoolGirl(); girlLjj.setName("李娇娇");
Proxy boyDl = new Proxy(girlLjj); boyDl.giveDolls(); boyDl.giveFlowers(); boyDl.giveChocolate(); } }
interface IGiveGift{ void giveDolls(); void giveFlowers(); void giveChocolate(); }
class SchoolGirl{ private String name;
public String getName(){ return this.name; }
public void setName(String name){ this.name = name; } }
class Pursuit implements IGiveGift{
private SchoolGirl mm; public Pursuit(SchoolGirl mm){ this.mm = mm; }
@Override public void giveDolls() { System.out.println(this.mm.getName() + ",你好!送你洋娃娃。"); }
@Override public void giveFlowers() { System.out.println(this.mm.getName() + ",你好!送你鲜花。"); }
@Override public void giveChocolate() { System.out.println(this.mm.getName() + ",你好!送你巧克力。"); } }
class Proxy implements IGiveGift{
private Pursuit gg;
public Proxy(SchoolGirl mm){ this.gg = new Pursuit(mm); }
@Override public void giveDolls() { this.gg.giveDolls(); }
@Override public void giveFlowers() { this.gg.giveFlowers(); }
@Override public void giveChocolate() { this.gg.giveChocolate(); } }
- 远程代理,也就是为一个对象在不同的地址空间提供局部代表。这样可以隐藏一个对象存在于不同地址空间的事实。
- 虚拟代理,是根据需要创建开销很大的对象。通过它来存放实例化需要很长时间的真实对象。
- 安全代理,用来控制真实对象访问的权限。
- 智能指引,是指当调用真实的对象时,代理处理另外一些事。
第 8 章 工厂方法模式
工厂方法模式(Factory Method),定义一个用于创建对象的接口,让子类决定实例化哪一个类。工厂方法使一个类的实例化延迟到其子类。
- 对于复杂的参数构造对象,可以很好地对外层屏蔽代码的复杂性
- 很好的解耦能力
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter08;
import java.util.*;
public class FactoryMethod { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
System.out.println("请输入数字A: "); double numberA = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine()); System.out.println("请选择运算符号(+、-、*、/、pow、log): "); String strOperate = sc.nextLine(); System.out.println("请输入数字B: "); double numberB = Double.parseDouble(sc.nextLine());
Operation operate = OperationFactory.createOperate(strOperate); double result = operate.getResult(numberA, numberB);
System.out.println("结果是: " + result); } }
abstract class Operation { public abstract double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) ; }
class Add extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return numberA + numberB; } }
class Sub extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return numberA + numberB; } }
class Mul extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return numberA * numberB; } }
class Div extends Operation { @Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { if (numberB == 0) { System.out.println("除数不能为0"); throw new ArithmeticException(); } return numberA / numberB; } }
class Pow extends Operation{
@Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return Math.pow(numberA,numberB); } }
class Log extends Operation{
@Override public double getResult(double numberA, double numberB) { return Math.log(numberB) / Math.log(numberA); } }
interface IFactory{ Operation createOperation(String operType); }
class FactoryBasic implements IFactory{
@Override public Operation createOperation(String operType) { Operation oper = null; switch (operType){ case "+": oper = new Add(); break; case "-": oper = new Sub(); break; case "*": oper = new Mul(); break; case "/": oper = new Div(); break; } return oper; } }
class FactoryAdvanced implements IFactory{
@Override public Operation createOperation(String operType) { Operation oper = null; switch (operType){ case "pow": oper = new Pow(); break; case "log": oper = new Log(); break;
} return oper; } }
class OperationFactory{ public static Operation createOperate(String operate){ Operation oper = null; IFactory factory = null; switch (operate){ case "+": case "-": case "*": case "/": factory = new FactoryBasic(); break; case "pow": case "log": factory = new FactoryAdvanced(); } oper = factory.createOperation(operate); return oper; } }
第 9 章 原型模式
- 浅复制:被复制对象的所有变量都含有与原来的对象相同的值,而所有的对其他对象的引用都仍然指向原来的对象。
- 深复制:深复制把引用对象的变量指向复制过的新对象,而不是原有的被引用的对象。
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter09;
public class PrototypePattern{ public static void main(String[] args) { Resume resume1 = new Resume("大鸟"); resume1.setPersonalInfo("男","29"); resume1.setWorkExperience("1998-2000","xx公司");
Resume resume2 = resume1.clone(); resume2.setWorkExperience("2000-2003","YY集团");
Resume resume3 = resume1.clone(); resume3.setPersonalInfo("男","24");
resume1.display(); resume2.display(); resume3.display(); } }
class WorkExperience implements Cloneable{ private String timeArea;
public String getTimeArea() { return timeArea; }
public void setTimeArea(String timeArea) { this.timeArea = timeArea; }
private String company;
public String getCompany() { return company; }
public void setCompany(String company) { this.company = company; }
public WorkExperience clone(){ WorkExperience object = null; try{ object = (WorkExperience) super.clone(); }catch (CloneNotSupportedException exception){ System.out.println("Clone异常。"); } return object; } }
class Resume implements Cloneable{ private String name; private String sex; private String age; private WorkExperience work; public Resume(String name) { this.name = name; this.work = new WorkExperience(); }
public void setPersonalInfo(String sex,String age){ this.sex = sex; this.age = age; }
public void setWorkExperience(String timeArea,String company){ this.work.setTimeArea(timeArea); this.work.setCompany(company); }
public void display(){ System.out.println(this.name + " " + this.sex + " " + this.age); System.out.println("工作经历 " + this.work.getTimeArea() + " " + this.work.getCompany()); }
@Override protected Resume clone() { Resume object = null; try { object = (Resume) super.clone(); object.work = this.work.clone(); }catch (CloneNotSupportedException exception){ System.out.println("Clone 异常。"); } return object; } }
第 10 章 模板方法模式
模板方法(Template Method)模式,定义一个操作中的算法的骨架,而将一些步骤延迟到子类中。模板方法使得子类可以不改变一个算法的结构即可重定义该算法的某些特定步骤。
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter10;
public class TemplateMethod { public static void main(String[] args) { AbstractClass abstractClass = new ConcreteClassA(); abstractClass.templateMethod();
abstractClass = new ConcreteClassB(); abstractClass.templateMethod(); } }
abstract class AbstractClass{ public void templateMethod(){
this.primitiveOperation1(); this.primitiveOperation2();
public abstract void primitiveOperation1(); public abstract void primitiveOperation2(); }
class ConcreteClassA extends AbstractClass{
@Override public void primitiveOperation1() { System.out.println("具体类A方法1实现"); }
@Override public void primitiveOperation2() { System.out.println("具体类A方法2实现"); } }
class ConcreteClassB extends AbstractClass{
@Override public void primitiveOperation1() { System.out.println("具体类B方法1实现"); }
@Override public void primitiveOperation2() { System.out.println("具体类B方法2实现"); } }
- 模板方法模式是通过把不变行为搬移到超类,去除子类中的重复代码来体现它的优势。
- 模板方法模式就是提供了一个很好的代码复用平台。
第 11 章 迪米特法则
第 12 章 外观模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter11;
public class FacadePattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Facade facade = new Facade();
facade.methodA(); facade.methodB(); } }
class SubSystemOne{ public void methodOne(){ System.out.println("子系统方法一"); } }
class SubSystemTwo{ public void methodTwo(){ System.out.println("子系统方法二"); } }
class SubSystemThree{ public void methodThree(){ System.out.println("子系统方法三"); } }
class SubSystemFour{ public void methodFour(){ System.out.println("子系统方法四"); } }
class Facade{ SubSystemOne one; SubSystemTwo two; SubSystemThree three; SubSystemFour four;
public Facade(){ one = new SubSystemOne(); two = new SubSystemTwo(); three = new SubSystemThree(); four = new SubSystemFour(); }
public void methodA(){ one.methodOne(); two.methodTwo(); three.methodThree(); four.methodFour(); }
public void methodB(){ two.methodTwo(); three.methodThree(); } }
第 13 章 建造者模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter13;
import java.util.*;
public class BuilderPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Director director = new Director(); Builder b1 = new ConcreteBuilder1(); Builder b2 = new ConcreteBuilder2();
director.construct(b1); Product p1 = b1.getResult(); p1.show();
director.construct(b2); Product p2 = b2.getResult(); p2.show();
} }
class Product { ArrayList<String> parts = new ArrayList<String>();
public void add(String part){ parts.add(part); }
public void show(){ for (String part : parts) { System.out.println(part); } } }
abstract class Builder { public abstract void buildPartA(); public abstract void buildPartB(); public abstract Product getResult(); }
class ConcreteBuilder1 extends Builder {
private Product product = new Product();
@Override public void buildPartA() { product.add("部件A"); }
@Override public void buildPartB() { product.add("部件B"); }
@Override public Product getResult() { return product; } }
class ConcreteBuilder2 extends Builder {
private Product product = new Product();
@Override public void buildPartA() { product.add("部件X"); }
@Override public void buildPartB() { product.add("部件Y"); }
@Override public Product getResult() { return product; } }
class Director{ public void construct(Builder builder) { builder.buildPartA(); builder.buildPartB(); } }
第 14 章 观察者模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter14;
import java.util.*;
public class ObserverPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Subject subject = new ConcreteSubject(); subject.attach(new ConcreteObserver("NameX",subject)); subject.attach(new ConcreteObserver("NameY",subject)); subject.attach(new ConcreteObserver("NameZ", subject)); subject.setSubjectState("ABC");
subject.notifyObserver(); } }
abstract class Subject { private ArrayList<Observer> list = new ArrayList<Observer>();
public void attach(Observer observer){ list.add(observer); }
public void detach(Observer observer){ list.remove(observer); }
public void notifyObserver(){ for (Observer item : list) { item.update(); } }
protected String subjectState; public String getSubjectState() { return this.subjectState; } public void setSubjectState(String value) { this.subjectState = value; } }
abstract class Observer { public abstract void update(); }
class ConcreteSubject extends Subject{ }
class ConcreteObserver extends Observer{ private String name; private Subject sub; public ConcreteObserver(String name,Subject sub){ this.name = name; this.sub = sub; }
@Override public void update() { System.out.println("观察者"+this.name+"的新状态是"+this.sub.getSubjectState()); } }
- 当一个对象的改变需要同时改变其他对象,而且它不知道具体有多少对象有待改变时,应该考虑使用观察者模式。
- 抽象模型有两个方面,其中一方面依赖于另一方面,这时用观察者模式可以将这两者封装在独立的对象中使它们各自独立地改变和复用。
- 观察者模式所做的工作其实就是在解除耦合。让耦合的双方都依赖于抽象,而不是依赖于具体。从而使得各自的变化都不会影响另一边的变化。
第 15 章 抽象工厂模式
抽象工厂模式(Abstract Factory),提供一个创建一系列相关或相互依赖对象的接口,而无须指定它们具体的类。
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter15;
public class AbstractFactory { public static void main(String[] args) { User user = new User(); Department department = new Department();
IFactory factory = new SqlserverFactory();
IUser iu = factory.createUser(); iu.insert(user); iu.getUser(1);
IDepartment idept = factory.createDepartment(); idept.insert(department); idept.getDepartment(2); } }
class User{
private int _id; public int getId() { return this._id; } public void setId(int value) { this._id = value; }
private String _name; public String getName(){ return this._name; } public void setName(String value){ this._name = value; } }
class Department{
private int _id;
public int get_id() { return this._id; } public void set_id(int value){ this._id = value; }
private String _name; public String getName() { return this._name; } public void setName(String value){ this._name = value; } }
interface IUser{ void insert(User user); User getUser(int id); }
interface IDepartment{ void insert(Department department); Department getDepartment(int id); }
class SqlserverUser implements IUser{
public void insert(User user){ System.out.println("在SQL Server中给User表增加一条记录"); }
@Override public User getUser(int id) { System.out.println("在SQL Server中根据用户ID得到User表一条记录"); return null; } }
class AccessUser implements IUser{
@Override public void insert(User user) { System.out.println("在Access中给User表增加一条记录"); }
@Override public User getUser(int id) { System.out.println("在Access中根据用户ID得到User表一条记录"); return null; } }
class SqlserverDepartment implements IDepartment{
public void insert(Department department){ System.out.println("在SQLServer中给Department表增加一条记录"); }
@Override public Department getDepartment(int id) { System.out.println("在SQL Server中根据部门ID得到Department表一条记录"); return null; } }
class AccessDepartment implements IDepartment{
public void insert(Department department){ System.out.println("在Access中给Department表增加一条记录"); }
@Override public Department getDepartment(int id) { System.out.println("在Access中根据部门ID得到Department表一条记录"); return null; } }
interface IFactory{ IUser createUser(); IDepartment createDepartment(); }
class SqlserverFactory implements IFactory{
@Override public IUser createUser() { return new SqlserverUser(); }
@Override public IDepartment createDepartment() { return new SqlserverDepartment(); } }
class AccessFactory implements IFactory{
@Override public IUser createUser() { return new AccessUser(); }
@Override public IDepartment createDepartment() { return new AccessDepartment(); } }
- 易于交换产品系列,由于具体工厂类,在一应用中只需要在初始化的时候出现一次,这就使得改变一个应用的具体工厂变得非常容易,它只需要改变具体工厂即可使用不同的产品配置。
- 它让具体的创建实例过程与客户端分离,客户端是通过它们的抽象接口操纵实例,产品的具体类名也被具体工厂的实现分离,不会出现在客户代码中。
第 16 章 状态模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter16;
public class StatePattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Work emergencyProjects = new Work(); emergencyProjects.setHour(9); emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(10); emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(12); emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(13); emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(14); emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(17);
emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(19); emergencyProjects.writeProgram(); emergencyProjects.setHour(22); emergencyProjects.writeProgram();
} }
class Work{
private State current;
public Work(){ current = new ForenoonState(); } public void setState(State value){ this.current =value; }
public void writeProgram(){ this.current.writeProgram(this); }
private int hour; public int getHour() { return this.hour; } public void setHour(int value) { this.hour = value; } private boolean workFinished = false; public boolean getWorkFinished() { return this.workFinished; }
public void setWorkFinished(boolean value){ this.workFinished = value; } }
abstract class State { public abstract void writeProgram(Work w); }
class ForenoonState extends State{ public void writeProgram (Work w){ if (w.getHour() < 12){ System.out.println("当前时间:" + w.getHour() + "点 上午工作,精神百倍"); }else { w.setState(new NoonState()); w.writeProgram(); } } }
class NoonState extends State{ public void writeProgram (Work w){ if (w.getHour() < 13){ System.out.println("当前时间:" + w.getHour() + "点 饿了,午饭:犯困,午休"); }else { w.setState(new AfternoonState()); w.writeProgram(); } } }
class AfternoonState extends State{ public void writeProgram (Work w){ if (w.getHour() < 17){ System.out.println("当前时间:" + w.getHour() + "点 下午状态还不错,继续努力"); }else { w.setState(new EveningState()); w.writeProgram(); } } }
class EveningState extends State{ public void writeProgram (Work w){ if (w.getWorkFinished()){ w.setState(new RestState()); w.writeProgram(); }else { if (w.getHour() < 21){ System.out.println("当前时间:" + w.getHour() + "点 加班哦,疲累之极"); }else { w.setState(new SleepingState()); w.writeProgram(); } } } }
class SleepingState extends State{
@Override public void writeProgram(Work w) { System.out.println("当前时间:" + w.getHour() + "点 不行了,睡着了。"); } }
class RestState extends State{
@Override public void writeProgram(Work w) { System.out.println("当前时间:" + w.getHour() + "点 下班回家了。"); } }
- 将与特定状态相关的行为局部化,并且将不同状态的行为分割开来。
- 消除庞大的条件分支语句,状态模式通过把各种状态转移逻辑分布到State的子类之间,来减少相互间的依赖。
- 当一个对象的行为取决于它的状态,并且它必须在运行时刻根据状态改变它的行为时,就可以考虑使用状态模式了。
第 17 章 适配器模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter17;
public class AdapterPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Player forwards = new Forwards("巴蒂尔"); forwards.attack();
Player guards = new Guards("麦克格雷迪"); guards.attack();
Player center = new Translator("姚明");
center.attack(); center.defense(); } }
abstract class Player{ protected String name; public Player(String name){ this.name = name; }
public abstract void attack(); public abstract void defense(); }
class Forwards extends Player{ public Forwards(String name){ super(name); } public void attack() { System.out.println("前锋 " + this.name + " 进攻"); } public void defense(){ System.out.println("前锋 " + this.name + " 防守"); } }
class Center extends Player{ public Center(String name){ super(name); } public void attack() { System.out.println("中锋 " + this.name + " 进攻"); } public void defense(){ System.out.println("中锋 " + this.name + " 防守"); } }
class Guards extends Player{ public Guards(String name){ super(name); } public void attack() { System.out.println("后卫 " + this.name + " 进攻"); } public void defense(){ System.out.println("后卫 " + this.name + " 防守"); } }
class ForeignCenter{ private String name; public String getName(){ return this.name; } public void setName(String value) { this.name = value; } public void 进攻(){ System.out.println("外籍中锋 " +this.name + " 进攻"); } public void 防守(){ System.out.println("外籍中锋 " +this.name + " 防守"); } }
class Translator extends Player{
private ForeignCenter foreignCenter = new ForeignCenter();
public Translator(String name){ super(name); foreignCenter.setName(name); }
@Override public void attack() { foreignCenter.进攻(); }
@Override public void defense() { foreignCenter.防守(); } }
第 18 章 备忘录模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter18;
public class MementoPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Originator o = new Originator(); o.setState("On"); o.show();
Caretaker c = new Caretaker(); c.setMemento(o.createMemento());
o.setState("off"); o.show();
o.recoveryMemento(c.getMemento()); o.show(); } }
class Originator{
private String state; public String getState(){ return this.state; } public void setState(String value){ this.state = value; } public void show(){ System.out.println("State:" + this.state); } public Memento createMemento(){ return new Memento(this.state); } public void recoveryMemento(Memento memento){ this.setState(memento.getState()); } }
class Memento{ private String state;
public Memento(String state){ this.state = state; }
public String getState(){ return this.state; } public void setState(String value){ this.state = value; } }
class Caretaker{ private Memento memento; public Memento getMemento(){ return this.memento; } public void setMemento(Memento value){ this.memento = value; }
第 19 章 组合模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter19;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class CompositePattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Composite root = new Composite("root"); root.add(new Leaf("Leaf A")); root.add(new Leaf("Leaf B"));
Composite comp = new Composite("Composite X"); comp.add(new Leaf("Leaf XA")); comp.add(new Leaf("Leaf XB")); root.add(comp);
Composite comp2 = new Composite("Composite XY"); comp2.add(new Leaf("Leaf XYA")); comp2.add(new Leaf("Leaf XYB")); comp.add(comp2);
Leaf leaf = new Leaf("Leaf C"); root.add(leaf);
Leaf leaf2 = new Leaf("Leaf D"); root.add(leaf2); root.remove(leaf2);
} }
abstract class Component{ protected String name; public Component(String name){ this.name = name; }
public abstract void add(Component component); public abstract void remove(Component component); public abstract void display(int depth); }
class Leaf extends Component {
public Leaf(String name){ super(name); }
@Override public void add(Component component) { System.out.println("Cannot add to a leaf."); }
@Override public void remove(Component component) { System.out.println("Cannot remove from a leaf."); }
@Override public void display(int depth) { for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) System.out.print("-"); System.out.println(name); } }
class Composite extends Component{
private ArrayList<Component> children = new ArrayList<Component>();
public Composite(String name){ super(name); }
@Override public void add(Component component) { children.add(component); }
@Override public void remove(Component component) { children.remove(component); }
@Override public void display(int depth) { for (int i = 0;i<depth;i++) System.out.print("-"); System.out.println(name); for (Component item : children) { item.display(depth+2); } } }
第 20 章 迭代器模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter20;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class IteratorPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { ConcreteAggregate bus = new ConcreteAggregate(); bus.add("大鸟"); bus.add("小菜"); bus.add("行李"); bus.add("老外"); bus.add("公交内部员工"); bus.add("小偷");
Iterator conductor = new ConcreteIterator(bus);
conductor.first(); while (!conductor.isDone()){ System.out.println(conductor.currentItem() + ",请买车票!"); conductor.next(); } } }
abstract class Aggregate{ public abstract Iterator createIterator(); }
class ConcreteAggregate extends Aggregate{
private ArrayList<Object> items = new ArrayList<Object>();
@Override public Iterator createIterator() { return new ConcreteIterator(this); }
public int getCount(){ return items.size(); }
public void add(Object object){ items.add(object); }
public Object getCurrentItem(int index){ return items.get(index); } }
abstract class Iterator{ public abstract Object first(); public abstract Object next(); public abstract boolean isDone(); public abstract Object currentItem(); }
class ConcreteIterator extends Iterator{
private ConcreteAggregate aggregate; private int current = 0;
public ConcreteIterator(ConcreteAggregate aggregate){ this.aggregate = aggregate; }
@Override public Object first() { return aggregate.getCurrentItem(0); }
@Override public Object next() { Object ret = null; current++; if (current < aggregate.getCount()){ ret = aggregate.getCurrentItem(current); } return ret; }
@Override public boolean isDone() { return current >= aggregate.getCount() ? true : false; }
@Override public Object currentItem() { return aggregate.getCurrentItem(current); } }
第 21 章 单例模式
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| public class Singleton { private static Singleton instance;
private Singleton1(){
public static Singleton getInstance() { if (instance == null){ instance = new Singleton(); } return instance; } }
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| public class Singleton {
private static Singleton instance = new Singleton();
private Singleton(){
public static Singleton getInstance() { return instance; } }
第 22 章 桥接模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter22;
public class BridgePattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Abstraction ab; ab = new RefinedAbstraction();
ab.setImplementor(new ConcreteImplementorA()); ab.operation();
ab.setImplementor(new ConcreteImplementorB()); ab.operation(); } }
abstract class Implementor{ public abstract void operation(); }
class ConcreteImplementorA extends Implementor{
@Override public void operation() { System.out.println("具体实现A的方法执行"); } }
class ConcreteImplementorB extends Implementor{
@Override public void operation() { System.out.println("具体实现B的方法执行"); } }
abstract class Abstraction{ protected Implementor implementor;
public void setImplementor(Implementor implementor){ this.implementor = implementor; }
public abstract void operation(); }
class RefinedAbstraction extends Abstraction{
@Override public void operation() { System.out.println("具体的Abstraction"); implementor.operation(); } }
第 23 章 命令模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter23;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date;
public class CommandPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Barbecuer boy = new Barbecuer(); Command bakeMuttonCommand1 = new BakeMuttonCommand(boy); Command bakeChickenWingCommand1 = new BakeChickenWingCommand(boy); Waiter girl = new Waiter();
System.out.println("开门营业,顾客点菜"); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1); girl.setOrder(bakeMuttonCommand1);
System.out.println("点菜完毕,通知厨房烧菜"); girl.notifyCommand(); } }
class Barbecuer{ public void bakeMutton(){ System.out.println("烤羊肉串!"); } public void bakeChickenWing(){ System.out.println("烤鸡翅!"); } }
abstract class Command{ protected Barbecuer receiver;
public Command(Barbecuer receiver){ this.receiver = receiver; } public abstract void excuteCommand(); }
class BakeMuttonCommand extends Command { public BakeMuttonCommand(Barbecuer receiver){ super(receiver); }
@Override public void excuteCommand() { receiver.bakeMutton(); } }
class BakeChickenWingCommand extends Command{ public BakeChickenWingCommand(Barbecuer receiver){ super(receiver); }
@Override public void excuteCommand() { receiver.bakeChickenWing(); } }
class Waiter{ private ArrayList<Command> orders = new ArrayList<Command>();
public void setOrder(Command command){ String className= command.getClass().getSimpleName();
if (className.equals("BakeChickenWingCommand")){ System.out.println("服务员:鸡翅没有了,请点别的烧烤。"); }else { this.orders.add(command); System.out.println("增加订单:"+className + "时间:"+getNowTime()); } } public void cancelOrder(Command command){ String className = command.getClass().getSimpleName(); orders.remove(command); System.out.println("取消订单:"+className+" 时间:" + getNowTime()); } public void notifyCommand(){ for (Command command : orders) { command.excuteCommand(); } }
private String getNowTime(){ SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss"); return formatter.format(new Date()).toString(); } }
- 能较容易地设计一个命令队列
- 在需要的情况下,可以较容易地将命令记入日志
- 允许接收请求的一方决定是否要否决请求
- 可以容易地实现对请求的撤销和重做
- 由于加进新的具体命令类不影响其他的类,因此增加新的具体命令类很容易
- 命令模式把请求一个操作的对象与知道怎么执行一个操作的对象分隔开
第 24 章 职责链模式
职责链模式(Chain of Responsibility):使多个对象都有机会处理请求,从而避免请求的发送者和接收者之间的耦合关系。将这个对象连成一条链,并沿着这条链传递该请求,直到有一个对象处理它为止。
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter24;
public class ChainOfResponsibilityPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Handler h1 = new ConcreteHandler1(); Handler h2 = new ConcreteHandler2(); Handler h3 = new ConcreteHandler3(); h1.setSuccessor(h2); h2.setSuccessor(h3);
int[] requests = {2,5,14,22,18,3,27,20};
for (int request : requests) { h1.handleRequest(request); } } }
abstract class Handler{ protected Handler successor;
public void setSuccessor(Handler successor) { this.successor = successor; }
public abstract void handleRequest(int request); }
class ConcreteHandler1 extends Handler {
@Override public void handleRequest(int request) { if (request >= 0 && request < 10){ System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " 处理请求 "+request); }else if(successor != null){ successor.handleRequest(request); } } }
class ConcreteHandler2 extends Handler {
@Override public void handleRequest(int request) { if (request >= 10 && request < 20){ System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " 处理请求 "+request); }else if(successor != null){ successor.handleRequest(request); } } }
class ConcreteHandler3 extends Handler {
@Override public void handleRequest(int request) { if (request >= 20 && request < 30){ System.out.println(this.getClass().getSimpleName() + " 处理请求 "+request); }else if(successor != null){ successor.handleRequest(request); } } }
- 接收者和发送者都没有对方的明确信息,且链中的对象自己也并不知道链的结构。结果是职责链可简化对象的相互连接,它们仅需保持一个指向其后继者的引用,而不需保持它所有的候选接收者的引用。
- 可以随时地增加或修改处理一个请求的结构。增强了给对象指派职责的灵活性。
第 25 章 中介者模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter25;
public class MediatorPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { ConcreteMediator m = new ConcreteMediator();
ConcreteColleague1 c1 = new ConcreteColleague1(m); ConcreteColleague2 c2 = new ConcreteColleague2(m);
m.setColleague1(c1); m.setColleague2(c2);
c1.send("吃过饭了吗?"); c2.send("没有呢,你打算请客?"); } }
abstract class Colleague{ protected Mediator mediator; public Colleague(Mediator mediator){ this.mediator = mediator; } }
class ConcreteColleague1 extends Colleague{ public ConcreteColleague1(Mediator mediator){ super(mediator); }
public void send(String message) { this.mediator.send(message,this); }
public void notify(String message) { System.out.println("同事1得到信息:"+message); } }
class ConcreteColleague2 extends Colleague{ public ConcreteColleague2(Mediator mediator){ super(mediator); }
public void send(String message) { this.mediator.send(message,this); }
public void notify(String message) { System.out.println("同事2得到信息:"+message); } }
abstract class Mediator{ public abstract void send(String message,Colleague colleague); }
class ConcreteMediator extends Mediator {
private ConcreteColleague1 colleague1; private ConcreteColleague2 colleague2;
public void setColleague1(ConcreteColleague1 value){ this.colleague1 = value; }
public void setColleague2(ConcreteColleague2 value){ this.colleague2 = value; }
@Override public void send(String message, Colleague colleague) { if (colleague == colleague1){ colleague2.notify(message); }else { colleague1.notify(message); } } }
第 26 章 享元模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter26;
import java.util.Hashtable;
public class FlyweightPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { int extrinsicstate = 22;
FlyweightFactory f = new FlyweightFactory();
Flyweight fx = f.getFlyweight("X"); fx.operation(--extrinsicstate);
Flyweight fy = f.getFlyweight("Y"); fy.operation(--extrinsicstate);
Flyweight fz = f.getFlyweight("Z"); fz.operation(--extrinsicstate);
Flyweight uf = new UnsharedConcreteFlyweight();
uf.operation(--extrinsicstate); } }
abstract class Flyweight{ public abstract void operation(int extrinsicstate); }
class ConcreteFlyweight extends Flyweight{ @Override public void operation(int extrinsicstate) { System.out.println("具体Flyweight:" + extrinsicstate); } }
class UnsharedConcreteFlyweight extends Flyweight{
@Override public void operation(int extrinsicstate) { System.out.println("不共享的具体Flyweight:" + extrinsicstate); } }
class FlyweightFactory{ private Hashtable<String,Flyweight> flyweights = new Hashtable<String,Flyweight>();
public FlyweightFactory(){ flyweights.put("X",new ConcreteFlyweight()); flyweights.put("Y",new ConcreteFlyweight()); flyweights.put("Z",new ConcreteFlyweight()); }
public Flyweight getFlyweight(String key){ return flyweights.get(key); } }
第 27 章 解释器模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter27;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class InterpreterPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { Context context = new Context(); ArrayList<AbstractExpression> list = new ArrayList<AbstractExpression>(); list.add(new TerminalExpression()); list.add(new NonterminalExpression()); list.add(new TerminalExpression()); list.add(new TerminalExpression());
for (AbstractExpression exp : list) { exp.interpret(context); } } }
abstract class AbstractExpression{ public abstract void interpret(Context context); }
class TerminalExpression extends AbstractExpression{
@Override public void interpret(Context context) { System.out.println("终端解释器"); } }
class NonterminalExpression extends AbstractExpression{
@Override public void interpret(Context context) { System.out.println("非终端解释器"); } }
class Context{ private String input; public String getInput() { return this.input; } public void setInput(String value){ this.input = value; }
private String output; public String getOutput() { return this.output; } public void setOutput(String value){ this.output = value; } }
第 28 章 访问者模式
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| package cn.jishuqin.chapter28;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class VisitorPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { ObjectStructure o = new ObjectStructure(); o.attach(new ConcreteElementA()); o.attach(new ConcreteElementB());
ConcreteVisitor1 v1 = new ConcreteVisitor1(); ConcreteVisitor2 v2 = new ConcreteVisitor2();
o.accept(v1); o.accept(v2); } }
abstract class Visitor { public abstract void visitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA); public abstract void visitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB); }
class ConcreteVisitor1 extends Visitor {
@Override public void visitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA) { System.out.println(concreteElementA.getClass().getSimpleName()+"被"+this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"访问"); }
@Override public void visitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB) { System.out.println(concreteElementB.getClass().getSimpleName()+"被"+this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"访问"); } }
class ConcreteVisitor2 extends Visitor {
@Override public void visitConcreteElementA(ConcreteElementA concreteElementA) { System.out.println(concreteElementA.getClass().getSimpleName()+"被"+this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"访问"); }
@Override public void visitConcreteElementB(ConcreteElementB concreteElementB) { System.out.println(concreteElementB.getClass().getSimpleName()+"被"+this.getClass().getSimpleName()+"访问"); } }
abstract class Element{ public abstract void accept(Visitor visitor); }
class ConcreteElementA extends Element{
@Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConcreteElementA(this); }
public void operationA(){ } }
class ConcreteElementB extends Element{
@Override public void accept(Visitor visitor) { visitor.visitConcreteElementB(this); }
public void operationA(){ } }
class ObjectStructure{ private ArrayList<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>();
public void attach(Element element){ elements.add(element); }
public void detach(Element element){ elements.remove(element); }
public void accept(Visitor visitor){ for (Element element : elements) { element.accept(visitor); } } }